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Ashlyn & Taylor — Minted




Ashlyn and Taylor

please join us for our wedding celebration on

149 days until the big day!

Our Story

Our journey began with a sprinkle of fate, God’s perfect timing, and a gentle nudge from our dear friend Caroline. She’s always had a knack for matchmaking, and it seems she was destined to be our love story’s director. Introduced one evening in November 2021 at Saint Arnold's Brewery, we haven’t looked back since.

Our first Christmas together happened to coincide with a positive COVID test – talk about diving into the deep end of a relationship! This only grew our excitement to want to spend every holiday together. Since then, we’ve have been inseparable. We quickly discovered a shared passion for adventure – journeying across the globe, from the charming streets of Italy to the sunny shores of Cabo, and ski trips to Crested Butte mixed in between.

Amidst it all, Taylor managed to persuade me to embrace golf (surprisingly not against my will!), and we’ve bonded over Tex-Mex and crisp Margaritas, establishing our own traditions along the way.

In May 2023, Taylor upped the ante and proposed in a picturesque cactus garden in Scottsdale. Easiest decision we've ever made, even if we did almost trip over a cactus in all the excitement!

With God leading the way, we look forward to embracing all the adventures life has in store for us together. To our amazing family and friends, thank you for standing by us through every step of the journey. 11.23.2024 promises to be a celebration to cherish!